About Wearables in Practice
The first Wearables In Practice Symposia were organized by Peter de Looff and Matthijs Noordzij. Liza Cornet and others quickly became involved as well, forming an unofficial governance board. The people currently involved with the Wearables In Practice community are listed on this page.
Matthijs Noordzij
Matthijs co-founded the Wearables in Practice Symposia/community. He works as a Associate Professor in Psychology, Health and Technology at University of Twente.
Peter de Looff
Peter co-founded the Wearables in Practice Symposia/community. He is finishing his PhD at the Radboud University in Nijmegen while being employed in the field of Specialized and Forensic Care.
Liza Cornet
Liza completed her dissertation research ‘Brains Behind Bars’ in 2016, in which she studied the relation between neurobiological factors and criminal behavior. She is currently a postdoc researcher at the University of Twente, applying virtual reality to the justice and criminal domain.
Stefania Rosanio
Stefania co-founded the Wearables in Practice Symposia/community. She was project manager of the projects “Quantified Self” by the Custodial Institutions Agency of the Ministry of Justice and Security, currently working by the ICT Policy Dept. of the same Ministry.
Ernst Eilering
Ernst works at the department of Justice Innovation Lab in Gouda. Ernst is a linking pin and facilitator between a number of QS projects.